
Liquid gel polymer electrolyte (LGPE) based on chitosan, ammonium nitrate, and acetic acid with a ratio of 1.9 : 0.17 : 96.3 wt % gives the highest conductivity of (1.46 +/- 0.07) 10(-1) S cm(-1) at room temperature. This optimized composition of electrolyte is then used in proton batteries with the configuration of Zn + ZnSO4 center dot H2O/LGPE/MnO2. The open circuit voltage of battery is 1.41 V during 48 h of storage. The battery obtained a discharge capacity of 27.90 mA h(-1) upon discharge at 1.0 mA current. The maximum power density for the battery is 3.67 mW cm(-2).

  • 出版日期2010-10-15