
We consider the random variable Z(n,alpha) = Y(1) + 2(alpha)Y(2) + ... + n(alpha)Y(n), with alpha is an element of R and Y(1), Y(2), ... independent and exponentially distributed random variables with mean one. The distribution function of Z(n,alpha) is in terms of a series with alternating signs, causing great numerical difficulties. Using an extended version of the saddle point method, we derive a uniform asymptotic expansion for P(Z(n,alpha) < x) that remains valid inside (alpha >= -1/2) and outside (alpha < -1/2) the domain of attraction of the central limit theorem. We discuss several special cases, including alpha = 1, for which we sharpen some of the results in Kingman and Volkov (2003).

  • 出版日期2011-11
