
The objective of this review was to assess the effectiveness of diet interventions for improving disease severity in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. A secondary aim was to identify the effectiveness of different methods of dietetic service delivery for achieving weight reduction in this patient group.
A review of studies from 1999 to 2009 was conducted. Studies were included if they reported non-alcoholic fatty liver disease diagnosis by either liver histology analysis, imaging or by persistent hypertransaminasaemia, were English language studies of human adults, >= 18 years, that had implemented a dietary component in the intervention.
From the 102 papers identified, 20 met inclusion criteria: two randomised controlled trials, two controlled trials (allocation method not disclosed), two non-randomised experimental studies and 14 case series. Methods of diet prescription differed substantially among studies. Weight reduction appeared to be associated with a reduction in steatosis; however, improvements in other features of liver disease remain unclear. There appeared to be a relationship between the intensity of dietetic contact and weight loss.
There is limited evidence available to assess the effectiveness of diet interventions on histological severity of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. There is good evidence that clinically significant weight reduction can improve steatosis and risk factors for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. A relationship may exist between the frequency of dietetic consultations and amount of weight reduction achieved in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Fortnightly intervention for a minimum of three months to achieve at least 5% weight loss is recommended.

  • 出版日期2011-3
