
Following notation introduced in the recent paper (Rossi Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys. 12(5), 2015), this paper is aimed to present in detail an example of a small geometric transition which is not a simple one i.e. a deformation of a conifold transition. This is realized by means of a detailed analysis of the Kuranishi space of a Namikawa cuspidal fiber product, which in particular improves the conclusion of Y. Namikawa in Remark 2.8 and Example 1.11 of Namikawa (Topology 41(6), 1219-1237, 2002). The physical interest of this example is presenting a geometric transition which can't be immediately explained as a massive black hole condensation to a massless one, as described by Strominger.

  • 出版日期2017
