Wood species affects laboratory colonization rates of Chlorociboria sp.

作者:Robinson Sara C*; Laks Peter E
来源:International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2010, 64(4): 305-308.


This research attempted to determine conditions and wood species required to maximize xylindein production from a Chlorociboria sp. under laboratory conditions for use in induced spalting. A pure culture of a Chlorociboria species was isolated from fruiting bodies and grown on 2% malt extract agar. The colonies reached a maximum diameter of 18 mm in four weeks, although the blue-green xylindein pigment continued to diffuse through the culture media for at least eight months. In vermiculite jar tests. this Chlorociboria isolate colonized Populus tremuloides more heavily than Acer saccharum or Betula alleghaniensis, and did not colonize Tilia americana at all. Pre-inoculation of test blocks with white rot fungi did not significantly affect xylindein production, regardless of wood species.

  • 出版日期2010-7