
Heritability of fitness is an important parameter for evolutionary studies, but it is controversial and difficult to estimate this quantitative genetic statistic. I compare two single-generation proxies of individual fitness estimated from demographic information (lifetime reproductive success, LRS; and individual finite rate of increase, individual lambda) and lifespan for the female members of a free-ranging population of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). All three variables have moderate heritabilities (lambda = 0.36, LRS = 0.38, lifespan = 0.43) that are consistently depressed when non-reproductive individuals are censored from the analysis. This reduction suggests a large portion of the genetic variation in the fitness proxies is due to survival to reproductive age and commencement of reproduction in this population. This may be related to relatively benign, homogeneous environmental conditions. Any time gaps in modeling an animal's life cycle can introduce similar inaccuracies in heritability of fitness proxies, although the direction of error is likely to vary with environmental conditions. Genetic correlations between the three variables were all indistinguishable from 1 implying no independent genetic variation. The similarity of heritability estimates for lambda and LRS and strong genetic correlations are attributed to the dominance of adult lifespan in determining fitness for female macaques which are slow-reproducing by mammalian standards. While the heritabilities of both proxies were similar in this study, they should both be estimated when possible because they may provide different information, particularly in taxa with larger broods.

  • 出版日期2010-7