
In this paper, the bending rigidity of honeycomb core consisting of right hexagonal cells is investigated. Since the moment exerted on the oblique cell walls of the right hexagonal cells under in-plane loading is quite different from the one exerted on the oblique cell walls of the right hexagonal cells under out-of-plane loading, the bending deformation cannot be directly calculated by the equivalent elastic mechanical properties based on the in-plane deformation. According to the fact that the oblique cell wall is twisted under the condition that the rotation is zero at the junction among three adjacent cell walls of the right hexagonal cell under the bending deformation, a novel analytical method for solving the bending rigidity of the honeycomb structures is proposed.comparisons of present analytical results with those numerical solutions from the common FEM commercial software MSC. Marc show that the present method is efficient and applicable.

  • 出版日期2012