Abnormal ossification as a cause the progression of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

作者:Gu Su Xi; Wang Chuan Feng; Zhao Ying Chuan; Zhu Xiao Dong*; Li Ming
来源:Medical Hypotheses, 2009, 72(4): 416-417.


Although, there is no generally accepted scientific theory for the etiology of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS), the relative anterior spinal column overgrowth has been postulated as a mechanism of AIS progression by many morphological studies. The normal spinal growth involves both kinds of ossification: endochondral and membranous ossification. Considering the uncoupled anterior-posterior column growth of AIS patients, the uncoupled endochondral-membranous ossification could possibly play an important role in the progression of AIS. Meanwhile, other observations found that the uncoupling of ossification was not limited to the spinal column, but rather a systemic phenomenon. This consideration leads us to carefully dissect the underlying abnormal molecular pathways, cytokines or receptors of ossification, such as BMP-Smads, Runx2, FGFR-3, and will raise the hope to detect the AIS progression potentiality and help to formulate the appropriately personalized treatment strategy for patients.
