A simple and distinguished nebulizer approach to prepare CdS thin films

作者:Girish M; Sivakumar R*; Sanjeeviraja C; Gopalakrishnan R
来源:Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2017, 26(3): 398-405.


In this paper, we report the substrate temperature induced change in structural, optical, morphological, luminescence and photoelectrochemical properties of CdS films deposited by a simple and facile approach called nebulized spray pyrolysis technique. X-ray diffraction study confirmed the deposited CdS films belong to hexagonal wurtzite structure, with preferential orientation along c-axis, (002) direction perpendicular to the substrate plane. The crack free, uniform, and homogeneously distributed spherical particles are witnessed from AFM image. Various optical parameters like energy band gap, optical conductivity, refractive index, extinction coefficient, dielectric constants, and dispersion energy parameters of the films were evaluated. The strong band edge emission observed in the PL study may be attributed to the recombination of excitations and/or shallowly trapped electron-hole pairs. The first and second overtone of LO modes of CdS at 302 and 600 cm(-1) are observed in the Raman study. The photoelectrochemical properties of the films were also tested.