Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Relapse and Clitoral Reconstruction After Female Genital Mutilation

作者:Abdulcadir Jasmine*; Demicheli Francesco Bianchi; Willame Alexia; Recordon Nathalie; Petignat Patrick
来源:Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2017, 129(2): 371-376.


BACKGROUND: Evidence on clitoral reconstruction after female genital mutilation is lacking. CASE: A woman with female genital mutilation experiencing clitoral pain during sex consulted to undergo clitoral reconstruction. The surgery was complicated by a wound infection responsible for severe postoperative pain. Such genital pain made our patient recall the traumatic experience of genital mutilation and experience a relapse of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms. She reported anxiety; spontaneous, intrusive recurrent memories of the cutting; hypervigilance; and depressed mood. We successfully treated the infection and posttraumatic stress disorder. At 6 months postsurgery, she reported no clitoral pain and improved sexual function. CONCLUSION: Genital pain after clitoral reconstruction may cause recall of memories of the genital mutilation. We recommend multidisciplinary comprehensive psychosexual care and adequate analgesia.

  • 出版日期2017-2