
Stability of pseudoplastic rotational flow between cylinders in presence of an independent axial component is investigated. The fluid is assumed to follow the Carreau model and mixed boundary conditions are imposed. The conservation of mass and momentum equations give rise to a four-dimensional low-order dynamical system, including additional nonlinear terms in the velocity components originated from the shear-dependent viscosity. In absence of the axial flow, as the pseudoplasticity effects increases, the purely-azimuthal base flow loses its stability to the vortex structure at a lower critical Taylor number. Emergence of the vortices corresponds to the onset of a supercritical bifurcation also present in the flow of a linear fluid. However, unlike the Newtonian case, pseudoplastic Taylor vortices lose their stability as the Taylor number reaches a second critical number corresponding to the onset of a Hopf bifurcation. Existence of an axial flow induced by a pressure gradient appears to further advance each critical point on the bifurcation diagram. In continuation, complete flow field together with viscosity maps is analyzed for different flow scenarios. Through evaluation of the Lyapunov exponent, flow stability and temporal behavior of the system for cases with and without axial flow are brought to attention.

  • 出版日期2014-2
