
Smart power grids with high penetration of intermittent, nondispatchable distributed energy resources (ING), and cyber networks with real-time pricing require new tools for automatic generation control (AGC). The main drawbacks of the intermittency are increased use of expensive spinning reserves, normally gas-fired units, and wear and tear of thermal units because of pulsating turbine valves of steam units for load regulation. This paper presents a new AGC structure to overcome the drawback of intermittency in smart power grids. The constant pressure steam (CPS), hydro, and variable pressure steam (VPS) units are controlled to follow low frequency load dynamic based on a one-step ahead load target. The distributed community storage (DCS) together with load dynamic response (DR) and aggregated DRs as virtual generator (DR/VG) assets are used to control high-frequency load fluctuations. The INGs and nuclear units are used as base loads.

  • 出版日期2012-9