
Protein S-sulfhydration is a newly discovered post-translational modification of specific cysteine residue(s) in target proteins, which is involved in a broad range of cellular functions and metabolic pathways. By changing local conformation and the final activity of target proteins, S-sulfhydration is believed to mediate most cellular responses initiated by H2S, a novel gasotransmitter. In comparison to protein S-sulfhydration, nitric oxide-mediated protein S-nitrosylation has been extensively investigated, including its formation, regulation, transfer and metabolism. Although the investigation on the regulatory mechanisms associated with protein S-sulfhydration is still in its infancy, accumulated evidence suggested that protein S-sulfhydration may share similar chemical features with protein S-nitrosylation. Glutathione persulfide acts as a major donor for protein S-sulfhydration. Here, we review the present knowledge on protein S-sulfhydration, and also predict its formation and regulation mechanisms based on the knowledge from protein S-nitrosylation.

  • 出版日期2017-8