
White muscle concentrations of As, Cd, Cu, Fe, Se, and Zn were investigated in Atlantic- and Indian-bigeye tuna (BET) (Thunnus obesus) from 6 regions. As and Cd muscle concentrations were significantly higher in the Indian BET than in the Atlantic-BET, whereas the Indian-BET caught in the waters off South Africa revealed the highest As, Se, and Zn muscle concentrations. Accordingly, multidimensional scaling separated them into two oceanic groups. Positive linear relationships between muscle Cd concentration and fork length (FL) were established in both oceans. For the other elements, only muscle-Fe and FL relationship was found in the Atlantic -BET. 10.3% of BET > 145 cm FL from both oceans possessed muscle Cd concentrations exceeding the food safety limit (0.1 mu g g(-1) wet weight) set by the European Commission. Increased Cd, Cu and Zn pollution was found in the Atlantic Ocean compared with previous data, with higher levels found in the Indian Ocean.