
The blocks relocation problem (BRP) may be defined as follows: given a set of homogeneous blocks stored in a two-dimensional stock, which relocations are necessary to retrieve the blocks from the stock in a pre-defined order while minimizing the number of those relocations? In this paper, we first prove NP-hardness of the BRP as well as a special case, closing open research questions. Moreover, we propose different solution approaches. First, a mathematical model is presented that provides optimal solutions to the general BRP in cases where instances are small. To overcome such limitation, some realistic assumption taken from the literature is introduced, leading to the definition of a binary linear programming model. In terms of computational time, this approach is reasonably fast to be used to solve medium-sized instances. In addition, we propose a simple heuristic based upon a set of relocation rules. This heuristic is used to generate %26quot;good%26quot; quality solutions for larger instances in very short computational time, and, consequently, is proposed for tackling problem instances where solutions are required (almost) immediately. Solution quality of the heuristic is measured against optimal solutions obtained using a state-of-the-art commercial solver and both of them are compared with reference results from literature.

  • 出版日期2012-5-16