
Propelled by a combination of policy enablers,increasing investments,and the COVID-19 pandemic,the global financial technology(fintech) industry has entered a period of rapid growth in recent years.Yet it is important to note that poor regulation and weak supervision might produce risks and shocks to financial stability,business competition,social equity,and environmental resources.The encouraging approach toward fintech development adopted by major global economies over the past decade has ignored regulation to varying degrees,resulting in unbalanced and inadequate supervision,which has been falling short of meeting public concerns effectively.Since 2019,international discussions on how to regulate fintech have become more and more heated.It has been widely agreed that,to regulate fintech effectively,three pillars must be established—data,competition,and financial regulatory rules.Given the increasing challenges posed by large technology firms (big techs)to financial regulation,this paper proposes to prioritize entity-based regulation,with a focus on reforming the rules concerning operational resilience and competition.China should keep a close eye on international trends and learn to devise appropriate rules for entity-based regulation,which will prove necessary to guide the steady,sound,and sustainable development of its fintech industry.

  • 出版日期2021