Infecˋˋo por Helicobacter pylori e cancer g芍strico: freq邦那ncia de cepas patog那nicas cagA e vacA em pacientes com cancer g芍strico

作者:Thomazini; Cristiane Melissa; Pinheiro; Nidia Alice; Pardini; Maria Ines; Naresse; Luis Eduardo; Rodrigues; Maria Aparecida Marchesan
来源:Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial, 2006.


background: the rates of helicobacter pylori infection are very high worldwide, but only a minority of infected patients develop gastric carcinoma. this might be related, among several factors, to the colonization of the human stomach by pathogenic helicobacter pylori strains. objective: to investigate the distribution of caga and vaca genotypes of helicobacter pylori in paraffin-embedded gastric samples from patients with gastric cancer. material and methods: paraffin-embedded samples from 42 patients with gastric cancer were histologically examined and evaluated by pcr for h. pylori caga and vaca (s and m regions) genotypes. results: histological analysis allowed direct visualization of h. pylori in 85.7% of cases and pcr for urease c gene detected h. pylori in 95% of cases. the presence of caga gene was detected in 23 (54.7%) patients with gastric cancer. the s1 allele from vaca gene was found in samples from 24 (57.1%) patients and the m1 allele in 26 (61.9 %). the s1m1 genotype was detected in 24 (57.1%) patients with gastric cancer. the s2 allele was found in samples from four patients (9.5%) and the m2 allele in three (7.1%) patients. the distribution of h. pylori genotypes was similar in both intestinal and diffuse types of gastric carcinoma. conclusion: our results confirm the relevance of the pathogenic caga and vaca h. pylori genotypes for significant organic lesions, such as gastric cancer, suggesting a possible role for h. pylori in the pathogenesis of gastric carcinoma.

  • 出版日期2006
