
In this study, calculations of net efficiency of heating process of aluminum billets those diameters are different from the diameter of the inductor were aimed. The targeted aluminum extrusion facilities utilize induction furnaces. In the heating experiments, an induction coil that was designed to heat circle divide 178 mm aluminum billets was used. The discs diameters are in accordance with the standard billet diameters. Additionally, a computer simulation of induction heating of discs was performed and the results were evaluated. It was observed that concentric or eccentric location of discs in the inductor induces an increment in the disc temperature and electrical power consumption and contrarily does not affect the heating efficiency. Therefore, it was determined that there is no need to construct some additional mechanisms to supply concentric location of the billet in the inductor. Finally, a user friendly efficiency scale function was obtained for the circle divide 178 mm inductor which is used for heating different diameter billets than the inductors design diameter.

  • 出版日期2018