
The sensitivity of turbulence-development to inflow turbulent statistics is investigated in microscale urban atmospheric environment flows. Large-eddy simulations (LESs) are carried out, in which the inflow error is brought in by transforming a fully developed turbulent field according to the Reynolds stress or energy spectra. A theoretical analysis is performed by neglecting the diffusion term in the budget equations of the turbulent kinetic energy. The results show that, (i) the error caused by the Reynolds stress decays until the fully developed level is achieved, and (ii) the error caused by the characteristic length scale increases immediately and then decreases. The streamwise changing rate of the inflow error weakens when the vertical coordinate increases. Further testing of the effects of the inflow inner- and outer-layer data shows that, the inflow inner-layer data dominate the near field, and the inflow outer-layer data dominate the far field.