
Molecular magnet nickel(II) hexacyanoferrate(III), powder Ni(3)[Fe(CN)(6)](2)center dot 15H(2)O, was prepared by coprecipitation method. The coprecipitated powder was annealed in vacuum at different temperatures of 80, 100, 120, and 140 degrees C. Water molecules contained in Prussian blue analogues were removed by heating. The effects of dehydration on its charge transfer properties were studied by Fourier-trans form infrared and Mossbauer measurements. It was found that the Fe(III)-CN-Ni(II) state is the major structure in the coprecipitated form, while the Fe(II)-CN-Ni(III) bond is formed in the annealed samples. The dehydration of Ni(II) ferricyanide above 80 degrees C induces an inner charge transfer from Ni(II) towards Fe(III) to form the mixed valence system Ni(II) Ni(III) ferri-ferro-cyanide.