
We investigated implications of nanostructure formation on structural and magnetotransport properties of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 compound. The polycrystalline nanomaterials of variable grain sizes were synthesized by using sol gel method. The structural parameters obtained by Rietveld refinement of the X-ray diffraction data indicated that the samples possess perovskite structure with orthorhombic Pnma symmetry. The X-ray Photoemission Spectra showed chemical shift in the lowest particle size sample due to oxygen deficiency. The average particle size observed through transmission electron microscopy varied from 22 nm to 34 nm. The particle size induced metal-insulator transition and substantial increase in electrical resistivity observed in these nanomaterials are in contrast with the bulk material phase diagram. We also observed temperature and magnetic field dependent colossal magnetoresistance. The low-field magnetoresistance is substantially enhanced in nanomaterials samples, making it more promising for device applications. A divergence in field cooled and zero field cooled magnetization indicated possibility of magnetic spin-glass behavior.

  • 出版日期2013-7