
Identification of different specific signal components, produced by one or more sources, is a problem encountered in many signal processing applications. This can be done by applying the local time-frequency-based Renyi entropy for estimation of the instantaneous number of components in a signal. Using the spectrogram, one of the most simple quadratic time-frequency distributions, the paper proves the local applicability of the counting property of the Renyi entropy. The paper also studies the influence of the entropy order and spectrogram parameters on the estimation results. Numerical simulations are provided to quantify the observed behavior of the local entropy in the case of intersecting components. The causes of decrements in the local number of time supports in the time-frequency plane are also studied. Finally, results are provided to illustrate the findings of the study and its potential use as a key step in multicomponent instantaneous frequency estimation.

  • 出版日期2014-11