A cooperative architecture for integrated mobile networking based on soft-switch control

作者:Liu Hui*; Zhou Chi; Zhang Jun
来源:11th IEEE Singapore International Conference on Communication Systems, 2008-11-19 to 2008-11-21.


This paper proposes an open cooperative architecture for the integration of mobile networks. It is based on the Soft-switch idea which is the control functional entity of Next Generation Network (NGN) and fit for large scale nerworking. fit the architecture static routing combined with dynamic routing is adopted for globally connecting among network soft-switch centers (NSCs) with distributed control mode, using this method, heterogeneous mobile networks (HMN) can be high efficiently and collaboratively interoperated in the architecture. Through the use of backup and pool techniques, the bottleneck problem can be solved, and system security enhanced. Through dynamic control by NSC in the networking architecture, we can get traffic assignments among HMN based on the qualify of service (QoS) and fairness, and can adopt optimal control strategies for each individual network. The algorithms for fair traffic assignment among HMN are addressed and analyzed.