
The intracellular messenger molecule cGMP has an established function in the regulation of numerous physiological events. Yet for the identification of further biological cGMP-mediated functions, precise information whether a cGMP response exists in a certain cell type or tissue is mandatory.
In this review, the techniques to measure cGMP i.e. cGMP-formation, -degradation or levels are outlined and discussed. As a superior method to measure cGMP, the article focusses on FRET-based cGMP indicators, describes the different cGMP indicators and discusses their advantages and drawbacks. Finally, the successful applications of these cGMP indicators to measure cGMP responses in cells and tissues are outlined and summarized.
Hopefully, with the availability of the FRET-based cGMP indicators, the knowledge about the cGMP responses in special cells or tissues is going to increase thereby allowing to assess further cGMP-mediated functional responses and possibly to address their pathophysiology with the available guanylyl cyclase activators, stimulators and PDE inhibitors.

  • 出版日期2018-7-1