
Background Central venous catheterization is increasingly performed as a temporary vascular access for hemodialysis therapy in developing countries and it can be associated with serious complications. Iatrogenic common carotid artery-jugular vein arteriovenous fistula is a rare but serious complication of internal jugular vein catheterization for hemodialysis access. Few cases of such complication of uremic patients on hemodialysis have been reported in the literature. Aim To report a case of iatrogenic common carotid artery-jugular vein arteriovenous fistula caused by internal jugular vein catheterization of a hemodialysis patient and its surgical repair. Result The iatrogenic arteriovenous fistula was repaired. Conclusion Acquaintance of anatomical landmarks, careful preparation, experience of the physician and the ultrasound guidance are important factors to reduce the risk of complications during internal jugular vein catheterization. Surgical repair should be performed earlier in order to avoid the development of other serious complications.
