
In this study effects of extrusion cooking on enzyme resistant starch (RS) formation in high amylose corn starches (Hylon V and VII) and the functional properties of RS preparations were investigated. Native starches were extruded at 50, 60, 70% feed moisture contents, at constant screw speed (100 rpm) and barrel temperature (140 degrees C). Among these samples, the highest RS contents were observed at 60% feed moisture. Therefore, feed moisture in the second and third extrusion cycles was set at 60%. There were significant increases in RS contents of both Hylon V and Hylon VII after the second extrusion cycle (p < 0.05). After the third extrusion, the RS levels reached to 40.0 and 45.1% for Hylon V and Hylon VII, respectively. Substantial loss of birefringence in these samples indicated that the increases in RS were mainly due to RS3 formation. The RS samples produced by extrusion did not have high emulsion capacity, but the ones produced from Hylon VII had high emulsion stability. Although, decreases in L* and increases in b* values of extruded samples were significant as compared to respective native starches, the changes were not substantial. Therefore, their incorporation is not expected to cause major changes in the colour of end-products.

  • 出版日期2017-3