
Ageing is inevitable for all living organisms and the purpose of the present review is to discuss recent evidences that suggest that ageing could be delayed if not prevented in toto. Ageing is a low-grade systemic inflammatory condition so also type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension and endothelial dysfunction whose incidence increases with advancing age. Calorie restriction, exercise and parabiosis performed between old-young pairs are known to delay and to a limited extent reverse age-related changes in the body that have been related to enhanced proliferation of stem cells, decrease in inflammation and transfer of GDF-11 (growth differentiation factor-11) from the young to the old. Inhibiting ageing-related hypothalamic or brain IKK-beta and NF-kB activation decreased gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) release enhanced ageing-impaired neurogenesis and decelerated ageing. This suggests that hypothalamus has a programmatic role in ageing development via immune-neuroendocrine integration. N-acylethanolamines (NAEs), lipid-derived signalling molecules, are reduced under dietary restriction and NAE deficiency extended lifespan in an mTOR dependent pathway manner. These results imply that a co-ordinated effort to inhibit inflammation, enhancing stem cell proliferation and restoring lipid-derived signalling molecules may prevent, delay or reverse some of the features of ageing.

  • 出版日期2015-2