
The hydrothermal reactions of appropriate vanadium oxides and copper(II) salts with bisterpy in the presence of phosphoric acid or fluorophosphoric acid yield the Cu(II)-bisterpy/oxovanadium phosphate materials [{Cu-2(bisterpy)}V3O5(HPO4)(2)(PO4)] (1) and [{Cu-2(bisterpy)}V2O5(HPO4)(2)] (2). Compound 1 is layered material, consisting of inorganic {V3O5(HPO4)(2)(PO4)}(n)(4n-) chains propagating parallel to the crystallographic a-axis, linked in the second dimension through binuclear {Cu-2(bisterpy)}(4+) units. The chain is constructed from corner-sharing {V4O10(PO4)(2)}(6-) and {V2O2(PO4)(4)}(6-) cluster building blocks. There are two distinct vanadium sites: a tetrahedral {V(V)O-4} site and a square pyramidal {V(IV)O-5} center. The Cu(II)-bisterpy subunits are linked to the vanadophosphate chains through phosphate oxygen atoms exclusively. In contrast, the structure of 2 is three-dimensional, exhibiting inorganic {Cu2V2O5(HPO4)(2)}(n) networks linked through bisterpy bridges to provide the overall three-dimensional connectivity. The oxovanadium subunit consists of the well-documented {V2O7} binuclear unit of corner-sharing tetrahedral.

  • 出版日期2004-5