
Slow and fast light are ubiquitous in optical amplifiers. In this Letter, we show for the first time, to the best of our knowledge, that optical parametric amplification (OPA) in chirped quasi-phase-matching structures can act as a platform for group-velocity control in the femtosecond regime. The resonant cascaded nonlinear phase underlies the group-velocity control, which manifests an unusual effect that both slow and fast light can be achieved under the normal condition of signal amplification. As numerically demonstrated in the OPA based on the lithium niobate crystal, the signal and idler pulse can be significantly delayed in time comparable to the signal duration and can also keep high fidelity for durations down to 100 fs until the crystal dispersion becomes effective. The broad bandwidth, large group delay, and direct compatibility with integrated optics will make the proposed platform attractive to both fundamental re search and applied science.