
Nuclear quadrupole resonance is presented as a method for the study of solid hydrogen bonded materials. NQR study of hydrogen bonds in ferroelectric and paraelectric KH(2)PO(4), antiferroelectric and paraelectric squaric acid, ferroelectric croconic acid and antiferroelectric and paraelectric cocrystal 5'-dimethyl-2,2'-bipyridine - chloranilic acid (1:1) are discussed in more details. A (14)N NQR study of the strong short O-H center dot center dot center dot N hydrogen bond in two polymorphic forms of cocrystal isonicotinamide-oxalic acid (2:1) is presented as well. Various correlations between the NQR parameters and between the NQR and structural parameters have been observed. These correlations may be used to determine the proton position in a hydrogen bond and some other structural parameters from the NQR data.

  • 出版日期2011