
In this paper, a Novel Reverse-Microscope Antenna (NRMA) that consists of a diffractive lens (DL) and an extended hemispherical lens (EHL), is proposed and analyzed by a two-dimension finite-difference time-domain (2-D FDTD) method. Based on the proposed structure, two NRMAs which use two-phase-level and four-phase-level DLs, are investigated and then compared with their conventional counterpart. The numerical results show that the diffraction efficiency of a NRMA with a four-phase-level DL is very close to that of a Conventional Reverse-Microscope Antenna (CRMA). Furthermore, the adopted DL is not only relatively flat and easy to fabricate compared with the conventional structure, but also portions from reduced thickness, light weight, low absorption loss, and other parameters. Therefore, the proposed NRMA with a four-phase-level DL is a valid substitute for the CRMA. The numerical methods have also been verified by the relative experimental results.
