
Objectives: Determining the accuracy of three-dimensional (3D) sonographic measurement of symphysis pubis (SP) distension in comparison to plain X-ray pelvic radiographs and assessing the interperformer reliability of this method. Methods: Pelvic X-ray was performed on 86 women who delivered singleton babies within 36 h of delivery then each woman was examined by 3D transperineal ultrasound imaging by two sonogrographers. Results: Measurements of SP with 3D transperineal ultrasonography in comparison to pelvic X-ray showed 95% limits of agreement. Interperformer reproducibility was substantial (interclass correlation coefficient 0.66-0.70) for measures of SP. Conclusions: Pubic symphysis width, superior pubic ligament length, and SP height can be reliably measured with 3D ultrasonography.

  • 出版日期2016-4