Newton-Okounkov Bodies of Bott-Samelson Varieties and Grossberg-Karshon Twisted Cubes

作者:Harada Megumi; Yang Jihyeon Jessie
来源:Michigan Mathematical Journal, 2016, 65(2): 413-440.


We describe, under certain conditions, the Newton Okounkov body of a Bott-Samelson variety as a lattice polytope defined by an explicit list of inequalities. The valuation that we use to define the Newton Okounkov body is different from that used previously in the literature. The polytope that arises is a special case of the Grossberg-Karshon twisted cubes studied by Grossberg and Karshon in connection to character formulae for irreducible G-representations and also studied previously by the authors in relation to certain toric varieties associated to Bott-Samelson varieties. In particular, the Grossberg-Karshon twisted cubes that appear in the present manuscript are in fact untwisted (though possibly degenerate).

  • 出版日期2016