
Background:Epidemiological studies indicate the genetic association between irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease, including genetic mutations related with interleukin 10 (IL-10), serotonin, and so on. On the other hand, it becomes clearer that interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) play a major role in gut motility by coordinating the electric activity of cellular members and generating pacemaker potentials.Methods:Ileal musculatures containing the myenteric plexus and ICC were isolated from wild-type (WT) and IL-10-deficient mice. A microelectrode array system was used to simultaneously measure 8 x 8 field potentials over a approximate to 1 mm(2) area. Nifedipine and tetrodotoxin were applied to predominantly evaluate ICC electric activity. Histological changes were also assessed by immunohistochemistry.Results:Potential mapping revealed that spontaneous electric activity was synchronized throughout the recording area in ileal musculature preparations of both WT and IL-10-deficient mice, but rapid propagation was observed in the latter. The spectral power in the frequency range of 9.4 to 30.0 cpm (Pw(9.4-30.0)) did not differ between these preparations, but the oscillation frequency estimated using autocorrelation analysis was significantly higher in IL-10-deficient mice than in WT mice (22.16 4.10 versus 15.72 +/- 1.61 cpm). In immunohistochemistry, no significant changes were observed in ICC, macrophages, and enteric neurons in the ileum of WT and IL-10-deficient mice.Conclusions:This study provides evidence for accelerated pacemaker activity in the ileum of IL-10-deficient mice, not accompanied by any significant histological changes. This could be accounted, as an example, by a genetic cross-link between inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel syndrome.

  • 出版日期2013-7