
Coinage metals nitrogen chemistry has not been studied extensively until recently. The focus of this review is the base- and halide-free complexes of the monoanionic nitrogen ligands. This review describes how minor ligand modifications can result in a drastic change in the metal-metal interactions in multinuclear compounds. Crystal structures of these complexes show individual complexes, dimers, supramolecular columnar packing or more complex supramolecular aggregates. Bulky substituents on the ligands can prevent intermolecular metal-metal interactions or the formation of supramolecular architectures. The nuclearity and metal-metal interactions in these complexes are controlled by ligand steric and electronic factors and solvent of crystallization. Many classes of nitrogen ligand coordination compounds have given rise to advances in several fundamental and applied research aspects. Recent potential applications of nitrogen ligand complexes are highlighted particularly for those complexes included in this review. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  • 出版日期2010-9