
The arid conditions of the north-central region of Mexico are limiting agricultural and livestock production, as water availability depends on the amount, spatial and temporal distribution of precipitation. The objective of this study was to analyze the sustainability of agricultural production systems with two indices used to evaluate the state of the agro-system in two main areas: production sustainability (As) and food self-sufficiency (Aa). The study was conducted for the DDR189 (Rural Development District), on the eastern end of the State of Zacatecas that includes the municipalities of Calera, Enrique Estrada, Guadalupe, Morelos, Panuco, Vetagrande, Trancoso, Villa de Cos and Zacatecas. The main crop of this region is bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), followed by species for forage, corn (Zea mays), and oats (Avena spp.), and by pepper (Capsicum spp.) as an emerging product after 2005. Agricultural production has low values of sustainability related to two main factors: 1) high water consumption for its production, and 2) high volume production in monocultures. This study shows that the production system in the DDR189 has a low agricultural suitability of soils. In conclusion, the production scheme of monocultures over large areas and the extensive use of irrigated land threaten the sustainability of the system based on the use of water and the lowering of aquifers.

  • 出版日期2013-3