
In the first part the effects of aqueous extracts of leaf, straw, hull and seed of 7 different weed species on germination of local Karacadag and Osmancik-97 rice seeds was investigated. In the second part, Karacadag and Osmancik-97 rice seeds were sown together with weed seeds to plots, and it was determined effects of varied weed species on germination, root, seedling, leaves and grain yield of rice varieties in field conditions. As a result of the findings; aqueous extracts of Echinochloa crus-galli L. Beauv, E. oryzoides(Ard.) Fritsch., Amaranthus retroflexus L. and Physalis peruviana L. were found to be the weeds which inhibit the germination of both rice seeds the most in both laboratory and field conditions.

  • 出版日期2017-9