
Athletes underwent a prescribed autohemotherapy performed by a sports physician to treat %26quot;chronic infectious states%26quot;. This procedure consisted of a 50 ml blood sample, anticoagulants, consecutive UV-B-radiation of blood in a syringe, followed by a reintroduction of the treated blood intravenously. Due to latest discussions concerning what is actually allowed and what is forbidden according to Anti-Doping-regulations, the current knowledge regarding this method and the interpretation of these rules are summarized by a medical doctor and member of anti-doping and therapeutic use exemption (TUE) committees. Autohemotherapy with UV-B-radiation breaches the anti-doping regulations which forbid the use or reintroduction of blood and blood cells into the circulation. These regulations can be found in the Olympic Anti-Doping Code of 1986 as well as on the prohibited list of the World Anti-Doping Agency of 2004. The medical use of such forbidden therapies is subject of the TUE procedure. To grant the use of TUE in general is unlikely, because it is not a standard and scientifically proven medical therapy. Moreover there are existing therapeutic alternatives.

  • 出版日期2012