
The slow dynamics of a single particle in multicomponent glass-forming systems including fragile and strong glasses is studied from a unified point of view. The simulation results on two different systems, bulk glass-forming Cu(60)Ti(20)Zr(20) melt and network-forming SiO(2), melt are analyzed by the mean-field theory (MFT) recently proposed and are compared with other systems near the glass transition. It is shown that the simulation results for the mean-square displacement are all collapsed into a master curve given by MFT if a long-time self-diffusion coefficient has the same value in each system. It is also shown that each long-time self-diffusion coefficient is described well by a singular function predicted recently from first principles. Thus, we conclude that there exists a simple universal mechanism near the glass transition even among any diversely different glass-forming systems.

  • 出版日期2009-9