
The collision type central to BNCT is (10)B(n,alpha)(7)Li, however, other types of nuclear reactions also take place in the patient. In addition to the major elements (H, C, N, O), minor elements such as Na, Mg, P, S, Cl, K, Ca and Fe present in body tissues also interact in neutron collisions. Detailed accounting of the above not only provides a better understanding of radiation transport in the human body during BNCT, but such knowledge affects the design of the facility, as well as treatment planning, imaging and verification for a given BNCT agent. Of the methods of investigation currently available, only Monte Carlo simulation could provide the detailed accounting and breakdown of the quantities required. We report Monte Carlo simulation of an anthropomorphic voxel phantom, the VIP-Man and show how these quantities change with different (10)B concentrations in the turnout, the blood and the remaining tissues. The (10)B biodistribution has been chosen to be the variable of interest, since it is not accurately known, is frequently approximated and is a crucial quantity upon which dose calculations are based.

  • 出版日期2009-7