Novel Approach for Tracking Accuracy Enhancement in Infrared Spot Image

作者:Liu Danping*; Li Yunwei; Duan Qingyi; Liu Xiaoming; Yin Yong; Tian Fengchun
来源:Journal of Infrared Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, 2009, 30(2): 190-198.


In optical tracking system, the macropixels method in which macropixels are used to estimate initial target region and to accurately localize target by choosing appropriate weight function and ratio function has stronger anti-noise ability than the general center of mass for unsymmetry target with low SNR. It is proved that the method can improve precision and speed efficiently: the centroid error is only 0.38 pixel when SNR is -5dB, and processing speed is 20 frame/s for the unsymmetry target of 4 x 4 pixels in infrared spot image of 128 x 128 pixels.