
An interior-point cutting plane method based on special valid inequalities (VIs) was presented for solving the ramp rate constrained unit commitment (UC) problem. The proposed method uses the linearization technique to get a mixed integer quadratic programming (MIQP) formulation for the UC problem. With the characteristics of the constraints of the UC problem, the presented approach yields three classes of special VIs, i.e., cover inequalities (CIs), lifted cover inequalities (LCIs) and generalized flow cover inequalities (GFCIs). Then, using CIs, LCIs and GFCIs as cutting planes, an interior-point cutting plane method was proposed to solve the MIQP. The simulation results for six systems up to 100 units and 24 hours show that the methods for generating CIs, LCIs and GFCIs are quick and efficient, and that the interior-point cutting plane method has good convergence and stability properties and can handle the ramp rate constraints efficiently. Furthermore, the proposed algorithm provides better results than many other existing algorithms.
