
An indirect competitive ELISA for the determination of Sudan I (1-phenylazo-2-naphthalenol), in food samples was developed. Sudan I molecule was modified and coupled to carrier proteins to make the coating antigen and immunogen. The antibodies against Sudan I from rabbits was prepared by a normal immunization method. The best combination of the immunoreagents used was 100 mu g/L for coating antigen, 1: 100 000 dilution for antiserum and 1: 15 000 dilution for GaRIgG-hoseradish peroxidase ( HRP) conjugate, respectively. LOD ( limit of detection, S/N = 3) and IC50 ( the concentration of analyte producing 50% of maximum signal decrease in standard curve) were found to be 0.12 mu g/L and 0.74 mu g/L, respectively. The recoveries of the detection of tomato sauce and the chilli powder achieved were around 106% and 110% respectively. After a simple dilution with assay buffer, the sample extract was directly analyzed by the developed ELISA.