A highly sensitive and selective immunonanogold resonance scattering spectral assay for sudan I

作者:Jiang, Zhiliang*; Zou, Mingjing; Deng, Anping; Wen, Guiqing; Liang, Aihui
来源:International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 2008, 88(9): 649-661.


A sensitive and selective resonance scattering spectral (RSS) assay was proposed for the determination of sudan I (SDI), using 10 nm nanogold to label the antibody against sudan I (anti-SDI Ab) to obtain a RSS probe for SDI. The immunonanogold reaction between nanogold-labelled anti-SDI Ab and SDI took place in pH 4.92 KH(2)PO(4)-Na(2)HPO(4) buffer solution and in the presence of polyethylene glycol (PEG)-6000, and the intensity of resonance scattering peak at 580 nm decreased greatly. The decreased intensity Delta I(580) (nm) was proportional to the concentration of SDI in the range of 0.23-45.0 ng mL(-1). The linear regression equation was calculated as Delta I(580) (nm) = 1.20c + 2.01 (R = 0.9975, n = 6), with a detection limit (3 sigma) of 0.13 ng mL(-1). The SDI in egg samples was assayed, with satisfactory results.