
Scientilic papers of six wellknown international journal of agricultural research (Agronomy Journal, Crop Science, Plant Physiology, Phytopathology, Plant Disease, Journal of Economic Entomology) and the Revista ICA of Colombia, were revised taking the 1990-1992 years as a sample periodo The objective of this review was to evaluate the frequency of the experimental designs commonly used in agricultural research, to observe the statistical techniques more frequently applied in data analysis, and to assess the importance and acceptance of these statistical tools in agronomy. According to the results, the Randomized Complete Block Design and the Completely Random Design were observed in 71% of the experiments. The Fisher LSD was used to separate treatment means in 49% of the cases. The frequency of factorial experiments, regression analysis, subsampling techniques and repetitions in time and space were also analized. Despite of the size of some experiments with more than 50 treatments, the frequency of incomplete Block Designs was very low. Con el fin de evaluar la frecuencia del uso de diferentes dise os experimentales y t谷cnicas estad赤sticas aplicadas a la investigaci車n agr赤cola, se realiz車 una revisi車n de los articulos de seis revistas cient赤ficas intemacionales (Agronomy Journal, Crop Science, Plant Physiology, Phytopathology, Plant Disease, Journal of Economic Entomology) y de la revista ICA para el per赤odo 1990 - 1992. Se observ車 la concentraci車n del uso de los dise os Completamente al Azar y Bloques al Azar en un 71% de los experimentos y la prueba DSM de Fisher en un 49% de los casos, para la comparaci車n de medias de tratamientos. Tambi谷n, se midi車 la frecuencia del uso de los arreglos Factoriales y An芍lisis de Regresi車n, muestreo dentro del dise o y repeticiones en el tiempo y el espacio. Se destac車 la poca utilizaci車n de dise os incompletos, a pesar de haber un gran n迆mero de ensayos con m芍s de 50 tratamientos.

  • 出版日期1994
