An exactly soluble model of a shallow double well

作者:Munoz Vega R*; Lopez Chavez E; Salinas Hernandez E; Flores Godoy J J; Fernandez Anaya G
来源:Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics , 2014, 378(30-31): 2070-2073.


Shallow one-dimensional double-well potentials appear in atomic and molecular physics and other fields. Unlike the "deep" wells of macroscopic quantum coherent systems, shallow double wells need not present low-lying two-level systems. We argue that this feature, the absence of a low-lying two-level system in certain shallow double wells, may allow the finding of new test grounds for quantum mechanics in mesoscopic systems. We illustrate the above ideas with a family of shallow double wells obtained from reflectionless potentials through the Darboux-Backlund transform.

  • 出版日期2014-6-13