
center dot Natural killer cell and cytotoxic T-cell lymphomas are frequently difficult to distinguish because they share many common features, and yet it is important to make an accurate diagnosis because their prognoses differ. We report an unusual case of a white man with a CD56-positive T-cell lymphoma in the ileum. The histologic pattern was characterized by angioinvasion and angiodestruction. lmmunohistochemical staining showed positive reactions to CD3, CD8, CD43, CD45 RO, CD56, and T-cell intracellular antigen-1, but negative reactions to CD4, CD5, CD20, CD23, and CD57. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) was not detected by EBV-latent membrane protein staining and EBV polymerase chain reaction technique. The T-cell receptor gamma chain gene was rearranged. According to the World Health Organization classification, the absence of EBV excludes the diagnosis of extranodal natural killer/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type. However, the association of EBV with this lymphoma in white patients is not clear. Therefore, absence of EBV alone does not necessarily exclude nasal-type natural killer/T-cell lymphoma, particularly because the histologic pattern in this case is highly characteristic of this tumor.

  • 出版日期2005-4