
A simple and feasible electrochemical sensing protocol was developed for the detection of bisphenol A (BPA) by employing the gold nanoparticles (AuNPs), prussian blue (PB) and functionalized carbon nanotubes (AuNP5/PB/CNTs-COOH). An aminated complementary DNA as a capture probe and specific aptamer against BPA as a detection probe was immobilized on the surface of a modified glassy carbon (GC) electrode via the formation of covalent amide bond and hybridization, respectively. The proposed nanoaptasensor combined the advantages of the in situ formation of PB as a label, the deposition of neatly arranged AuNPs, and the covalent attachment of the capture probe to the surface of the modified electrode. Upon addition of target BPA, the analyte reacted with the aptamer and caused the steric/ conformational restrictions on the sensing interface. The formation of BPA aptamer complex at the electrode surface retarded the interfacial electron transfer reaction of the PB as a probe. Sensitive quantitative detection of BPA was carried out based on the variation of electron transfer resistance which relevant to the formation of BPA- aptamer complex at the modified electrode surface. Under the optimized conditions, the proposed aptasensor exhibited a high sensitivity, wide linearity to BPA and low detection limit. This aptasensor also displayed a satisfying electrochemical performance with good stability, selectivity and reproducibility.

  • 出版日期2016-11-1