
A rare case of double lipoadenomas of parathyroid glands with hyperparathyroidism is described. A 56-year-old woman was referred for management of diabetes. Work up revealed: serum Calcium (Ca) = 11.9 mg/dl, glomerular filtration rate (GFR) = 103 ml/min/m2, parathyroid hormone (PTH) = 60 pg/ml, Phosphorus = 3.0 mg/dl, 25 hydroxy vitamin D (25 OH D) = 16.5 ng/ml, 24 h urine Calcium - 179 mg/day. Parathyroid sestamibi scan showed increased activity in the left thyroid and right thyroid lobe. Single photon emission computed tomography demonstrated uptake in inferior left and right thyroid lobes. Her serum calcium following successful bilateral parathyroidectomy was 9.3 mg/dl. Pathology showed double parathyroid lipoadenomas. After surgery, her serum Calcium and PTH normalized to 9.8 mg/dl and 32 pg/ml respectively. Lipoadenoma has been described as a very rare lesion of the parathyroid gland and is most commonly non-functional. PubMed search failed to reveal any case of hyperparathyroidism due to double parathyroid lipoadenomas.

  • 出版日期2013-11