
In the parametric regression model, the covariate missing problem under missing at random is considered. It is often desirable to use flexible parametric or semiparametric models for the covariate distribution, which can reduce a potential misspecification problem. Recently, a completely nonparametric approach was developed by [H.Y. Chen, Nonparametric and semiparametric models for missing covariates in parameter regression, J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 99 (2004), pp. 1176-1189; Z. Zhang and H.E. Rockette, On maximum likelihood estimation in parametric regression with missing covariates, J. Statist. Plann. Inference 47 (2005), pp. 206-223]. Although it does not require a model for the covariate distribution or the missing data mechanism, the proposed method assumes that the covariate distribution is supported only by observed values. Consequently, their estimator is a restricted maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) rather than the global MLE. In this article, we show the restricted semiparametric MLE could be very misleading in some cases. We discuss why this problem occurs and suggest an algorithm to obtain the global MLE. Then, we assess the performance of the proposed method via some simulation experiments.

  • 出版日期2011